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What is RES?

RES is a look-up tool that will provide you with up-to-date information about New York City properties.

How do I search for a property?

Click on the "Search" button on the top left. Then, enter in a property's address in the search bar. Make sure to put a space between the street number and street name, and a comma before the borough.
Example: 123 Broadway, Manhattan
You can also search by a block and lot number with a borough,
12-123, Brooklyn
or by a full bbl number.
When you are ready, hit enter. Once you hit enter, RES will search for the information. When it is done, you will see two buttons appear in the "Results" column, "Refresh" and "View".
To see the property, click "View" and it will open a PDF summary in a new tab.
To search for the property's information again, click "Refresh". Note that once RES finds information for a property it will not update that information until someone clicks "Refresh", so if you see that the information is old, click "Refresh".

What is "Filter Mode"?

If you click on the "Filter Mode" button on the top right, you can look up properties by details like their size and annual property tax.
Put a filter in the search bar and you will see the available filters on the bottom. Hit enter to add a filter.
Once you add a filter, you will see a row underneath the search bar. Select whether you want to search "=" (similar to), ">" (greater than) or "<" (less than), and add something to compare it to.
After you add all of your filters, hit "Search With Filters" and the results will appear below.
When you are done you can click on that button again to go back to Search Mode.


Address Filter by address
BBL (And Borough) Filter by BBL number, or filter by borough by using '=' and 1 (Manhattan), 2 (Bronx), 3 (Brooklyn), 4 (Queens), or 5 (Staten Island)
Stories Filter by the amount of stories in building(s)
Building Class Filter by the property's building class
Number Of Buildings Filter by number of buildings on property
Zoning Filter by zoning
Far Ratio Filter by FAR
Lot/Building Frontage Filter by length of lot/building frontage
Lot/Building Depth Filter by length of lot/building depth
Residential/Commercial Units Filter by amount of residential/commercial units
Residential/Commerical Square Footage Filter by amount of residential/commerical square footage
Open Taxes Filter by amount of open taxes on the building since latest tax year
Estimated Property Tax Filter by latest property tax amount
Estimated Gross Income/Expenses Filter by estimated yearly gross income/expenses
Tax Class Filter by tax class
Mortgage Doc Id Filter by the acris document id of the mortgage's document
Mortgage Party1/Party2 Filter by mortgage receiver (Party1) or lender (Party2)
Mortgage Amount/Date/Description Filter by mortgage amount/date/description
Is Irregular Filter by whether building is classified as 'irregular' (use '=' T (True) or '=' F (False))
Corner Filter by whether building is on a corner (use '=' N/W/E/S/NW/NE/SW/SE)
Extension Filter by whether building has an extension (use '=' N/W/E/S/NW/NE/SW/SE)
Year Built Filter by year buildling was built

All code, design and testing done by Gaven Nowak.